
发生在云南与东盟边境的一种新害虫——热带拂粉蚧(同翅目:粉蚧科) 被引量:12

A new mealybug Ferrisia malvastra( Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)in the border of Yunnan and ASEAN
摘要 【背景】热带拂粉蚧属于粉蚧类昆虫,食性杂,是危害热带和亚热带水果、蔬菜和园林植物的重要害虫,主要随水果、苗木和交通工具等介质进行远距离传播.2 0 1 4 年5 月,在我国云南与緬甸边境发现该虫危害草本植物马松子.【方法】在收集整理热带拂粉蚧生物学、地理学等信息的基础上,介绍了其主要形态特征、寄主、分布、生物学特性,并对该有害生物的危害和防治进行了综合分析.【结果】热带拂粉蚧雌成虫长椭圆形,触角8 节,体长2 .5 - 3 .0 m m ,宽1 .5 - 2 .0 m m ,主要通过孤雌生殖繁殖后代,形态特征与双条拂粉蚧非常相似.我国的广东、广西、海南、云南、福建等热带地区适合该虫生存和危害,一旦入侵我国会对花卉、水果和蔬菜等造成危害,给相关产业带来损失.【结论与意义】热带拂粉蚧在我国有传播扩散的可能,加强检疫是防范该虫入侵的主要手段,生物防治是治理该虫的重要措施. 【Background】The scale insect Ferrisia malvastra Mc Daniel( Pseudococcidae) is a highly polyphagous species,and an economically important pest of fruit,vegetables and ornamental plants in tropical and subtropical regions. Long distance transmission usually happens with transporting infested fruit,and nursery stock. We found individuals of Melochia corchorifolia L. damaged by this insect in the border of Yunnan Province,China and Myanmar in May 2014. 【Method】Based on collected information about the biology and geography of F. malvastra,we give a summary of its morphological characteristics,distribution,host plants,and biological characteristics. We also analysed its damage and control measures. 【Result】The adult F. malvastra female has a broadly oval body shape,with 8 antennas,attaining a length of 2.5 ~ 3.0 mm and a width of 1.5 ~ 2.0 mm. These mealybugs always reproduced partheno genetically,and their morphological characteristics were similar to the related species F. virgata. The conditions are suitable for F. malvastra to survive and cause damage in the Chinese provinces of Guangdong,Guangxi,Hainan,Yunnan,and Fujian.An eventual invasion of F. malvastra would damage flowers,fruits and vegetables,causing losses to these industries. 【Conclusion and significance】F. malvastra can invade China. Quarantine measures should be introduced for pest risk management,and biological control options should be explored.
出处 《生物安全学报》 2016年第3期181-184,共4页 Journal of biosafety
基金 广东省动植物与食品进口技术措施研究重点实验室开放基金(IQTC201603) 惠州市科技项目(2013B040009004) 国家质检总局科研项目(2005IK064 2009IK275)
关键词 热带拂粉蚧 粉蚧科 新纪录种 危害分析 Ferrisia malvastra Pseudococcidae new record species damage analysis
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