Objective: To discuss the effects of YangXin FuMai Tang on left atrial function and serum hs-CRP expressions of the patients with paroxysmal atrial fribrillation (PAF). Methods: Seventy patients were randomized in- to the observation group and the control group, 35 cases each group. The patients in the control group accepted west- ern medicine, and the ones in the observation group took YangXin FuMai Tang on the foundation of the treatment the control group received, one course of the treatment was three months. The contents of serum hs-CRP, ventricular rate (VR), atrial fibrillation duration, TCM syndrome integral before and after treating, cure rate, markedly effective rate, effective rate and ineffective rate of the patients in both groups were observed and recorded. Results: Effective rate of the observation group was 88.6%, higher than 57.1% of the control group, and the difference noted statistical meaning (X^2=7.224, P=0.007); the difference had no statistical meaning in the comparisons of TCM syndrome integral, atrial fibrillation duration, VR and the contents of serum hs-CRP before treating (P〉0.05), these indexes de- creased after treating notably compared with before treating in both groups, and the difference showed statistical meaning (P〈0.05), and TCM syndrome integral and the level ofhs-CRP of the observation group were lower than these of the control group apparently (t=5.229, P=0.000; t=2.415, P=0.016), the difference had no statistical meaning in the comparisons of atrial fibrillation duration and VR between both groups (P〉 0.05). Conclusion: YangXin FuMai Tang in treating PAF could significantly improve therapeutic effects of the patients and TCM syndrome integral, and reduce atrial fibrillation duration and VR, as well as the expressions of serum hs-CRP.
Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine