
德国高校教师薪酬制度及其特征分析 被引量:13

The Payment System of Germany's University Faculties and an Analysis of its Major Characteristics
摘要 20世纪90年代末至21世纪初,德国为加强公立高校办学经费的使用效率,改革高校教师薪酬制度,用以激发高校教师的业绩意识,增强德国高校的国际竞争力。德国高校管理体制的特点决定了德国高校教师薪酬制度在设计上既要兼顾高校教师公务员的身份及传统的教授治校原则,又要通过灵活的控制机制强化对高校教师的管理。为此,联邦、州、高校三个层面逐一调整了相应的法律框架,在联邦《高校教师薪俸改革法》的规定下,教师职务类型按工资级别划分为3类,其工资由基本工资和浮动工资组成。为了发挥薪酬的激励作用,德国高校把浮动工资与绩效相挂钩,形成了一套基于职务和绩效的薪酬制度。 From the end 1990"s to the beginning of this century, to increase the effi- ciency of the usage of public universities" funds, Germany reformed its payment system of university faculties to stimulate teachers to further efforts. In this way, their international competitiveness has been strengthened. The essence of the management system of German university faculties determines, that the faculty payment system has to be designed to fulfill simultaneously the needs of the civil servant identity of teachers, the tradition of professor managing and the flexibility in the control mechanism for a better faculty management. For this, the federation, state and university respectively introduce and modify the correspond- ing legal framework. As stated in the University Faculty Payment Reformation Method, there are three types of faculty positions depending on the different levels of wage, which would consist of a base wage and a floating wage. In order to exert the incentive function of remuneration, the floating part has been closely connected to performance, and thus, forming a duty and performance-oriented salary allocation system.
作者 苗晓丹
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期75-87,共13页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 2016年度上海市教育科学研究一般项目"激励视角下:德国高校教师薪酬制度研究"(立项编号:C16063)
关键词 德国 高校教师 薪酬激励 绩效工资 Germany university faculties payment-stimulated ed salary.
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