
透视中美在气候变化问题上的合作 被引量:3

China-US Cooperation on Climate Change
摘要 近年来,中美两国在气候变化问题上的互动日益频繁,并已取得重要进展。本文回顾了20世纪90年代以来中美气候合作的发展历程,分析了当前中美气候合作的主要特征,考察了影响中美合作的深层原因,探讨了中美气候合作对全球气候制度构建产生的可能影响以及两国气候合作面临的挑战。本文发现,中美两国在气候变化问题上的互动经历了不断拓展、深化的过程。当前,中美两国合作具有三个鲜明特点:第一,围绕联合国谈判的核心要素达成共识;第二,聚焦主要排放源务实开展功能性合作;第三,"包容性"合作重在吸引地方和私人部门。中美气候合作增强的原因不仅在于以国家形式呈现出来的共同利益,更取决于关键利益集团态度的转变,同时,也是适应世界各国广泛构筑气候联盟的大趋势。中美两国围绕气候变化的合作,其影响逐渐超出双边关系的范畴。中美两国开始成为全球气候治理中强有力的"共同领导者"。 In recent years,China and the U.S. have interacted on climate change more frequently,and made a lot of important progresses. This paper reviews the development path of China-US climate change cooperation since the1990 s. It also analyzes main features and deep rooted causes of the cooperation,and explores the possible impacts on the global climate regime building as well as the challenges two countries face. The author finds that the interactions between the two countries on climate change have experienced an expanding and deepening process. China-US cooperation has showed three striking characteristics: first,reaching consensus on the core elements of the UN negotiations; second,functional cooperation on the main sources of emissions; third,inclusive cooperation focusing on local and the private sectors. China-US climate cooperation has been enhanced not only because of the common interests of the two countries,but also the changing attitudes of domestic interest groups and worlwide trend to build climate alliances. China-US cooperation on climate change has significant influence. China and the US have started to become the co-leaders of global climate governance.
作者 赵行姝
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期47-56,65,共10页
关键词 中美合作 气候变化 国际气候制度 China-US Cooperation Climate Change International Climate Regime Leadership
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