
人民币国际化在欧现状与发展趋向 被引量:3

Current Situation of RMB's Internationalization in Europe and Its Prospect
摘要 中国的人民币国际化战略在欧洲得到了大力支持,主要原因在于中欧紧密经贸关系对人民币存在客观需求,欧洲在持续经济疲软的情况下欲借人民币寻找新商业机遇,制衡美元霸权、降低外部经济风险。展望未来,人民币国际化在欧洲仍然前景可期,但具体推进方式上可以考虑从"政府强推"更多转向"市场培育",同时根据英国脱欧导致的金融格局版图变迁,在不轻视英国金融中心地位的情况下,更加重视与欧元区的合作。 China's strategy of promoting the internationalization of RMB was supported significantly by Europe. The causes are as follows: China and Europe's close economic relations leads to the need of using RMB,Europe seeks new business opportunity against the backdrop of sluggish economic growth,Europe wants to balance the dollar hegemony to prevent external risk. In the future,internationalization of RMB in Europe is still promising. But at implementation level,China may need to consider more market cultivation rather than government push. In addition,since the Brexit has changed Europe's financial structure,it would be good for China to attach more importance to both UK and Eurozone in terms of financial cooperation.
作者 刘明礼
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期57-63,65,共7页
关键词 人民币 国际化 货币 中欧关系 RMB Internationalization Currency China-Europe Relations
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