

Study of parameter optimization of a wheeled suspension mobile parallel manipulator based on invert multi-body dynamics
摘要 针对移动串联机械手不能很好的满足高速、大负载、准确作业等性能要求,提出轮式悬架移动并联机械手这一新的构型.基于逆多体动力学相关理论,考虑建模方法的通用性与完备性,在笛卡尔坐标系下构建了系统逆动力学模型,并以此为基础,综合考虑系统驱动电机能耗为优化指标,进行移动并联机械手构型优化.最后提出二维搜索优化算法并进行数值仿真进行验证,得到一组最优机械手几何参数. It is since the performance shortcomings of a mobile manipulator in fields of height speed, large loading and precise tracking operation that a novel configuration manipulator of a wheeled suspension mobile parallel manipulator is presented. Based on inverse multi-body dynamics, its inverse dynamic model is modeled in Cartesian coordinate system with considering generality and integration of modeling methods. Based on the inverse dynamic model, the consumption of driving motors is treated as an optimization goal to optimize configurations of the parallel manipulator. At last, the two-dimension searching optimization algorithm is presented and verified by numeric simulation, and the set of optimizing geometric parameters of the given manipulator is obtained.
出处 《天津理工大学学报》 2016年第4期1-5,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(51275353 51205289) 天津市自然科学基金(12JCYBJC12200) 天津市高等学校国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201410060033)
关键词 多体动力学 逆动力学模型 参数优化 muhi-body dynamics inverse dynamic model parameter optimization
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