
量子实在:从量子力学到量子通讯 被引量:1

Quantum Reality: From Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Communication
摘要 1935年为论证量子力学的完备性提出的EPR悖论开启了量子信息思想火花。20世纪80年代,由本奈特和多依奇等人研究、倡导和推进引发了量子信息研究的爆发。作为用量子力学机制处理信息问题的一种技术手段,量子信息技术同时也是对量子力学所描述的量子实在的技术性证明。信息技术的广泛使用不仅改变了普通人的生活,同时也对学者们理解我们存在的世界提供了技术方法和深刻的思想思路。从历史上考察这一技术的发展过程,有利于我们对这一新生技术的理解。 The thought of quantum information comes from EPR Paradox which was put forward to query the perfection of quantum mechanics in 1935. In the 1980 s, the research of quantum information became a flourishing field under the influence of Bennett, Deutch and many other scholars' introduction and promotion. The quantum information technology is not only a technical means of dealing with information in quantum mechanics, but an evidence of reality in quantum mechanics. The widespread use of information technology not only changed our lives, but also made scholars to understand our world by technical methods to think deep. The history of this technology is helpful to our understanding of this new technology.
作者 蔡肖兵
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期61-68,共8页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
关键词 量子测量 量子信息 量子密码术 EPR悖论 贝尔不等式 Quantum measurement Quantum information Quantum cryptography EPR Paradox Bell Inequality
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