目的了解天津学生生活作息现状,为制订学生体质与健康干预措施提供依据。方法数据来源于2014年全国学生体质与健康调研天津地区资料,采用分层整群随机抽样方法,选取天津市8 278名9~22岁学生进行问卷调查,问卷内容包括睡眠时间、在校体育锻炼时间、家庭作业时间、看电视时间、周末安排等。结果达到"中小学生一日学习时间卫生要求"中睡眠时间要求的城、乡小学生比例分别为3.34%和3.22%,初中生分别为7.04%和8.67%,高中生分别为5.87%和6.59%。城市高中生每日平均睡眠时间最短,为(6.59±0.87)h。各学段学生在校锻炼时间超过1 h者所占比例分别为小学38.4%,初中28.8%,高中17.2%,大学13.8%。城市高中生和大学生平均锻炼时间最短。小学生家庭作业平均时间最短,为(0.96±0.63)h;城市高中生最长,达(2.59±0.91)h。乡村小学生看电视时间最长,为(0.99±0.87)h,城市高中生最短,为(0.30±0.53)h。周末首选学习的小学高年级、初中、高中、大学生分别占70.2%,84.5%,86.0%,54.6%,首选户外活动的分别为19.1%,9.7%,8.2%,23.1%。结论学生作息主要问题是睡眠时间短、体育锻炼、课余户外活动不足。建议加强健康教育,尤其是对农村学生,应该合理安排作息时间,改变生活方式,增加户外活动时间。
Objective To understand daily schedule of students activities in Tianjin in 2014. Methods Using stratifying and clustering random sampling, 8 278 Tianjin students aged 9 to 22 years were investigated with questionnaire survey. Daily schedule of sleep, physical exercise in school, homework, TV watching and weekend plans. Results Among urban and rural elementary school students, proportion of sleep duration higher than 10 hours was 3.34% and 3.22%, respectively; among junior high school students, the proportion of sleep duration higher than 9 h was 7. 04% and 8. 67%, respectively; among high school students, the proportion of sleep duration higher than 8 h was 5.87% and 6.59%, respectively. Average sleep duration among urban high school students was only 6.59 h. The proportion of students who attended school exercise more than 1h / day was 38.4%, 28.8%, 17.2%,13.8% among elementary, junior, senior and college students, respectively. Time spent on homework was shortest among elementary students( 0.96 h), and longest among urban high school students( 2. 59 h). Time on TV was longest among rural students( 0.99 h), and shortest among urban high school students( 0.3 h). Learning at weekend was reported among 70.2% of elementary students, 84.5% of junior students, 86.0% of senior students and 54.6% of college students, respectively. Outdoor activities were reported among 19.1% of elementary students, 9. 7% of junior students, 8. 2% of senior students and 23. 1% of college students.Conclusion The main problems of daily schedule of activities among Tianjin students are insufficient sleep, lack of physical exercise and outdoor activities. Comprehensive health education, especially among rural students, should be developed and implemented for better arrangement of daily schedule of activities.
Chinese Journal of School Health
Motor activity
Health education