
Private- Sector Standards Regulation with Food Safety in China:Can It Learn Anything from WTO?

Private-Sector Standards Regulation with Food Safety in China:Can It Learn Anything from WTO?
摘要 It is predicted that in the near future,private- sector standard will,like Tesco,Wal- Mart,Carrefour,still exit. China should modify its current legal regal disciplines' to make the private entities with regards food safety. Probably the mechanism of government-private entities collaboration governance would be a best choice. It is predicted that in the near future, private - sector standard will, like Tesco, Wal- Mart, Carrefour, still exit. China should modify its current legal regal disciplines' to make the private entities with regards food safety. Probably the mechanism of government - private entities collaboration governance would be a best choice.
作者 Wu Suilong
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期313-318,共6页 Academics
关键词 食品安全 中国 标准 私营部门 沃尔玛 家乐福 实体 private - sector standard regulation food safety in China WTO
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  • 1See Preamble of SPS Agreement.
  • 2See also Arkady Kudryavtsev, Private Standardization and International Trade in Goods:Any WTO Law Implications for Domestic Regulation.'? Paper presented to the Third Biennial Global Conference of SIEL,available at http ://www. ssrn. cow/link/SIEL - 2012 - Singapore - Conference. html.
  • 3Article 31, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969, United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 1155, p. 331.
  • 4Appellate Body Report on US - Gasoline, p. 23. ( Foot note origin) Eg. , Corfu Channel Case ( 1949 ) 1CJ Reports, p. 24 ( International Court of Justice).
  • 5Territorial Dispute Case ( Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. Chad ) (1994), ICJ Reports, p. 23 (International Court of Justice) ;Also Yearbook of the International Law Commission, Vol. II at 219.
  • 6Oppenhiem ' s International Law, 9thed. , Jennings and Watts eds. , 1992, Volume 1, pp. 1280 - 1281.
  • 7For more details on this part, see also http ://www. fao. org/docrep/003/X7354E/X7354e01, htm. sector business.
  • 8Appellate Body Report, EC - Asbesto, paras 79 - 80.
  • 9Norbert L. W. Wilson, Clarifying the Alphabet Soup of the TBT and the SPS in the WTO, Drake Journal of Agricultural Law,8,2003, pp. 705 - 706.
  • 10Article 1.3 and 1.5 SPS Agreement.








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