
真空微波-超声波辅助酶法提取原生态椰子油的研究 被引量:6

Vacuum microwave-ultrasound-assisted enzymatic extraction of virgin coconut oil
摘要 利用Box-Behnken中心实验设计及响应面分析,优化了真空微波-超声波辅助酶法提取原生态椰子油(VCO)的工艺条件。研究发现,经过真空微波-超声波处理后的椰浆,用纤维素酶、β-葡聚糖酶和木瓜蛋白酶的复合酶酶解后,能够得到质量较好、提取率较高的VCO。新鲜的椰浆在真空度0.09 MPa、微波功率800 W、超声波功率50 W的条件下处理120 s后,通过响应面优化实验得出,复合酶(1∶1∶1)添加量(按椰肉质量添加)2.24%、料液比(椰肉与水质量比)1∶4.3、p H6.4、酶解温度51℃、酶解时间36 h为最优提取工艺条件;在最优提取工艺条件下,VCO提取率高达(91.32±0.13)%。提取的VCO酸值(KOH)为0.24 mg/g,过氧化值未检出,碘值(I)为9.43g/100 g,皂化值(KOH)为258.05 mg/g,均符合原生态椰子油的相关标准;得到的副产物新鲜度高,可以进一步加工利用。 The process conditions of vacuum microwave - ultrasound - assisted enzymatic extraction of vir- gin coconut oil(VCO) were optimized using Box -Behnken central composite design and response surface methodology. The results showed that VCO with good quality and high extraction rate could be obtained after the enzymolysis of coconut milk with complex enzyme composed of cellulase,/3 - glueanase and papain,which was treated by vacuum microwave - ultrasound. After fresh coconut milk was treated under the conditions of vacuum degree 0.09 MPa, microwave power 800 W, ultrasonic power 50 W and treatment time 120 s ,the optimal extraction parameters were obtained by response surface methodology as follows:dos- age of complex enzyme ( 1: 1: 1 ) 2.24% ( based on the mass of coconut), mass ratio of coconut to water 1:4.3 ,enzymolysis temperature 51 ℃ ,enzymolysis pH 6.4 and enzymolysis time 36 h. Under these condi- tions,the extraction rate of VCO was (91.32 ± 0. 13 )%. The acid value, iodine value and saponificationvalue of the extracted VCO were 0. 24 mgKOH/g, 9.43 gI/100 g and 258.05 mgKOH/g respectively, and peroxide value wasn't detected, which all met the related standards for VCO. And the by - prod- uct was very fresh, suitable for further processing.
出处 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期5-10,共6页 China Oils and Fats
基金 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目(31160325) 海南省自然科学基金(20153159) 海南省自然科学基金(314075) 海南省高等学校科研项目(Hnky2016ZD-1)
关键词 真空 微波-超声波 酶法提取 原生态椰子油 响应面法 vacuum microwave - ultrasound enzymatic extraction virgin coconut oil response surface methodology
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