
东亚海陆源污染防治区域合作机制探讨及启示 被引量:9

Regional Cooperation Mechanism in Preventing the Marine Pollution from the Land-based Activities or Resources( MPLBA) in the Seas of East Asia
摘要 区域或亚区域合作机制与协议安排是保护海洋环境免遭陆源污染危害的关键。东亚海共同体与东亚海环境管理合作伙伴作为现有的防治东亚海区域陆源污染的合作机制,由于既无区域性公约约束,也无具体防治目标与章程,导致目前东亚海区域的陆污染防治依然处于松散的、无约束力的功能性与项目性合作状态,呈现明显的临时性与不确定性。中国应在充分重视海洋陆源污染严峻形势的基础上发挥更为积极的作用,以更为务实的态度,与东盟国家凝聚共识,有效推动陆源污染防治区域合作机制的构建。 Regional and sub-regional cooperation and arrangements are crucial for successful actions to protect the marine environment from the land-based activities or resources. COBSEA ( Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia ( SEA ) and PEMSEA(Partnership in the Environmental Management of the SEA ), the cooperative mechanisms of the SEA, support or fund the implementation of preventing MPLBA. However, the status of the regional cooperation has kept loose, unrestricted, and non-binding due to lacking the regional conventions and the specific goals. Nowadays the cooperation of COBSEA and PEMSEA is based on the specific projects, and it is unsustainable and inadequate. China should attach equal importance to promoting the national capacity-building and strengthening the consensus with ASEAN countries about MPLBA. Accordingly, China should also take a more pragmatic measure to improve the construction of regional cooperation mechanism for MPLBA effectively.
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期62-74,共13页 China Soft Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"基于生态系统的海洋陆源污染防治立法研究"(14BFX109)
关键词 东亚海 陆源污染防治 区域合作机制 the seas of east asia marine pollution from the land-based activities or resources ( MPLBA ) regional cooperation mechanism
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