
中国与非洲:能否跨越制度与文化的边界——基于某中博合资玻璃厂的工商人类学考察 被引量:6

China and Africa:Can They Cross the Borders of System and Culture——A Business Anthropology Research of a Glass Factory Project Owned by a Sino-Botswana Joint Venture
摘要 基于对一个中国与博茨瓦纳合资建造玻璃厂项目长期深入的田野调查,本文首先以历时视角,概述中博双边关系,在此背景下系统论述这家中博合资玻璃厂诞生的始末。其次以共时视角,通过对玻璃厂建造过程的参与观察,在具体事件中折射出中国与博茨瓦纳之间的合作与冲突,包括劳资关系、运作模式、中方对当地法规的适应、合作双方之间的博弈、博茨瓦纳产业结构调整与政治斗争对玻璃厂项目的影响等。通过对当地媒体的话语分析以及对中博双方当事人的深入访谈,笔者试图呈现在跨越制度与文化的边界时,双方都深深体会到了两国体制、文化与观念的巨大差异,双方该如何调整与适应。尽管该项目最终失败,但关注过程比结果更有意义。 This paper is based on long term and in-depth fieldwork to a glass factory project owned by a Sino-Botswana joint venture.Firstly from diachronic perspective,the background of bilateral relations between China and Botswana will be introduced,this will provide the context for discussing the origin of the project.Then from synchronic perspectives,through data obtained from participant observation,the paper reveals the cooperative and conflictive aspects embedded in the construction of the factory.These include operation mode,Chinese company's adaption to Botswana local laws and regulations,the gaming between the partners,industrial diversification of Botswana,affects from political struggle in Botswana to the project,etc.This paper further juxtaposes the discourse generated by the media with in-depth interviews with all parties involved in the projects to show the tremendous differences,the author will try to display the tremendous differences between these two cultures,two systems,two ideologies.Will the both sides adjust themselves and adapt with each other? Although the project failed finally,the research on process is somehow making bigger sense than the answer.
作者 徐薇
机构地区 浙江师范大学
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期43-48,共6页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金青年项目<新南非种族与族群关系变迁研究>阶段性成果 批准号:14CSH007 教育部区域和国别研究基地 浙江省哲学社会科学重点研究基地非洲研究中心的资助
关键词 中国 博茨瓦纳 合作 差异 工商人类学 China Botswana Co-operation Difference Business Anthropology
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