

On Interpreting Accreditation Tests in the Process of Interpreting Professionalization
摘要 本文从职业社会学的理论出发,探讨口译职业化的过程及最终理想状态,在此基础上检视并对比中澳两国资格认证考试在口译职业化过程中的作用,针对我国的CATTI口译考试和口译职业化发展提出具体问题及建议。研究认为,职业协会、资格认证考试及高等教育机构是整个口译职业化发展过程中最为重要的三大要素,也是我国口译职业在未来发展中应重点着力的三个方向,尤其应从强化共识、严守准入、规范竞争等方面予以改进。 This paper firstly explores the process and final status of interpreting professionalization from the perspective of Sociology of Professions, which serves as a theoretical basis for the whole research; then examines and compares the two representative interpreting accreditation tests in Chinese Mainland and Australia; and finally puts forwards the problems of and suggestions for the CATTI interpreting tests and the development of the whole interpreting profession in China. According to the research findings, the pro- fessional association, accreditation tests and higher institutions are three key elements for the future pro- fessionalization of interpreting and efforts should be especially made to strengthen the consensus, control professional access and re qulate competition.
作者 陈瑞青 穆雷
出处 《山东外语教学》 2016年第4期91-100,共10页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 国家社科基金一般项目(项目编号:16BYY010)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 口译职业化 职业社会学 资格认证考试 CATTI Interpreting professionalization Sociology of Professions interpreting accreditation tests CATTI
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