目的探讨任务驱动及团队合作学习(task—based learning and team-based learning,Double—TBL/D—TBL)与以教师讲授为主的教学(lecture—based learning,LBL)在民族医学教学中实施效果。方法选择右江民族医学院同一学期进行授课的2012级临床本科(全科班)学生50人(D—TBL组)和2013级临床本科学生54人(LBL组)为研究对象。两组授课内容、使用教材、授课教师、学时数均相同。通过课堂测试、学生互评、问卷调查等方式评价效果。测试成绩采用SPSS11.5软件建立数据库,行t检验。结果D—TBL组学生主观题答对率高于LBL组答对率,差异具有统计学意义[(94.56±4.95)%vs.(29.26±12.15)%,t=36.382,P=-0.000]。D—TBL组学生个人测试答对率与LBL组客观题答对率[(75.20±11.82)%vs.(68.61±14.65)%,t=2.512,P=0.374]、D—TBL组小组测试答对率与LBL组客观题答对率[(84.25±13.08%)vs.(68.61±14.65)%,t=5.727,P=0.961],差异均无统计学意义。组内成员统计评分表显示.获得全A评价的学生有41人(85.42%),获得评价中含B的学生7人(14.58%),无学生获C评价。课堂反馈问卷调查表显示,喜欢D—TBL的学生40人(83.33%),喜欢LBL的学生26人(50.00%)。结论D—TBL组大部分学生较喜欢该教学,D—TBL与LBL在民族医学教学中不可互相取代,可根据两者各自的优点分配到教学的不同阶段。
Objective To discuss task-based learning and team-based learning methods and lecture- based learning method in the class of ethnic medicine. Method 50 students in clinic medicine (general practice) of grade 2012 were selected as D-TBL group and 54 students in clinic medicine of grade 2013 were selected as LBL group. Both groups have teaching content, textbook, teachers, class hours in common. Effect of teaching was valued by tests, evaluation in students, questionnaires. SPSS was used to analyze scores of tests. T test was used. Results The correct answer rate?of subject items in D-TBL group was higher than that of LBL group and the difference had statistical significance [(94.56 ± 4.95)% vs. (29.26 ±12.15)%, t=36.382, P=-0.000). There was no significant difference between the correct answer rate of personal test in D-TBL group and objective item in the LBL group[(75.20 ± 11.82)% vs. (68.61 ± 14.65)%, t=2.512, P=-0.374]. There was no statistically significant difference between the correct answer rate of group test in D-TBL group and objective item in the LBL group[(84.25 ± 13.08)% vs. (68.61 ± 14.65)%, t=5.727, P=0.961]. In Score table for members in every division, 41(85.42%) students got straight A,7(14.58%) students got B and nobody got C. Feedback questionnaire showed 40(83.33%) students like D-TBL while 26(50.00%) students like LBL. Conclusion Most of students in D-TBL group like D-TBL. D-TBL and LBL cannot take the place of each other. In the future teaching, both methods should be used in different teaching periods according to their merits.
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research