
油田供配电系统节能问题的思考及对策 被引量:3

Some Thoughts on Saving Energy for Oilfield Power Supply and Distribution System
摘要 某油田供配电系统经过40年的运行,负荷分配与运行之初已有了较大差异,设备老化问题也日益突出,供配电网络的能耗问题已不可回避。判断供配电系统是否高效的唯一参数就是线损率,它与线路的供电半径、导线电阻率、线路的功率因数、线路的运行电压及电流、变压器型号、运行的变压器数量,以及投入运行的电容器的无功功率和电容器的介质损失角正切值有关。通过合理缩短供电半径、适当改善导线截面,或者提高功率因数、降低无功电流,可以降低输电线路的电能损耗。通过对变压器进行技术改造,可以降低变压器的技术损耗,油田在这方面有较大的挖潜空间。同时要设法提高变压器的负荷率。降低电力电容器带来的损耗,需要密切监测电网功率因数状况,制定合理的投切方式。对于偷窃电造成的电能损耗,技术上应积极采用有效的防窃电产品和技术,管理上则应制定相应的奖惩制度,严厉打击盗电行为。总之,降低电网损耗、提高输变电效能,需要在技术与管理两方面共同努力。 After 40 years of operation,the load distribution of the power supply and distribution system of an oilfield has changed greatly from when the system initially went into operation and equipment aging is also a serious issue.In addition,high energy consumption of the power supply and distribution system has become an issue that cannot be neglected.The only parameter used for adjusting whether the power supply and distribu-tion system is efficient is line loss per unit,which is related to a host of factors such as line power supply radius,conductor resistance,line power factor,line working voltage and current,transformer model,number of transformers on stream,the reactive power of a capacitor in the line and the tangent value of the dielectric loss angle of a capacity.Power loss in a supply line can be reduced by properly shortening power supply radius,prop erly improving conductor cross section,or increasing power factor or reducing reactive current.The technical loss of a transformer can be reduced by upgrading the transformer technically.The oilfield has an enormous poten-tial as regards technical upgrade.At the same time,effort should be made to increase the work load of transformers.In order to reduce the energy loss of power capacitors,grid power factor must be closely monitored to enable use of a rational switching mode.As a solution to the power loss resulting from power theft,effective anti-theft product and technology should be introduced and a system of rewards and penalties should be de-veloped to crack down on power theft.In all,both technical and managerial efforts should be made in order to reduce grid energy loss and increase the efficiency of power transmission and transformation.
作者 张雪峰
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2016年第8期98-102,共5页 Sino-Global Energy
关键词 供配电 电能损耗 线损率 供电半径 功率因数 变压器 power supply and distribution power loss line loss per unit power supply radius power factor transformer
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