
泉水人家民俗馆:梦回故园 济南之南

The Spring-side Households Folk Museum:The Everlasting Memories of the City
摘要 今年6月上旬的一天,71岁的申胜利老人从他所住的西蒋峪小区专程坐公交车来到试开放的百花洲片区。在泉水人家民俗馆大门前,他望着门上所挂的"佑我后人"匾,怔怔地站了半天,用手机拍了又拍。"这块匾就是我提供的,原来是皇亲巷慈仁院里的匾,清代光绪年间的。慈仁院你知道吗,就是大画家韩美林小时候借住过的那座庙,在省府前街附近。也可以说,这块匾是韩美林故居的旧物。" 'With the buildings and landscape,the fusion of the ancient and the modern,there is enough lingering charm to remind people of the magnetism of Jinan.' Tourists left comments in the guest book and the message board at the entrance of the Folk Museum of Spring-side Households to show their heartfelt appreciation of Baihuazhou.Enjoying great popularity,this folk museum is set up in a typical courtyard dwelling.Focusing on the family tradition,family education and family instruction,three showrooms are arranged in time order from the period of the Ming and Qing dynasties to around the founding of the PRC,which exhibit old photos displaying local characteristics of the time as well as memorable objects and documents.In the showroom of the Republic of China,there are itinerant stalls for hair cut and shave,small wares and silver processing as well as a high-class piano on show.Exhibits in the showroom of the Ming and Qing dynasties are more precious,including the earliest medicine advertisement tablet found in Jinan Taihe Pavilion Tablet,money locker and wooden ice box used in the Qing dynasty,books printed by Shandong Publishing House that was founded by the Governor Ding Baozhen and books in German which recorded the local scenery and customs in the late Qing dynasty.A small rubbing house is located in the south of the museum,which preserves the rubbings of eminent persons' calligraphy and engravings,the earliest inscriptions of the cliff-side images,the earliest epitaph in Jinan and the inscription on the tombstone of Qin Qiong's father.
作者 雍坚 郑曙光
出处 《走向世界》 2016年第35期58-61,共4页 Openings
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