
三维超声产前诊断胎儿小下颌畸形的临床意义 被引量:5

The clinical significance of three-dimnsional ultrasound in prenatal diagnosis of micrognathia
摘要 目的探讨产前胎儿超声诊断小下颌畸形的检查技巧、超声表现及临床意义。方法对超声检查发现小下颌畸形的胎儿,仔细测量下颌骨长度,并与双顶径进行比较,测量颜面部角度,三维表面重建成像协助明确诊断。结果产前超声共诊断小下颌畸形胎儿13例,下颌骨长度均明显小于1/2,颜面部角度均小于50°。5例胎儿进行染色体检查,3例确诊18三体,2例染色体未见明显异常。所有经产前超声诊断的病例均经引产后证实。结论产前二维超声结合三维可以明确诊断胎儿小下颌畸形。 Objective: To evaluate the inspection techniques, ultrasonic manifestations and clinical significanceof ultrasound screening in diagnosis of fetal micrognathia.Methods: When ultrasonography inspection found the fetal micrognathia, should carefully measure the mandibular length, and compare with the biparietal diameter, measure the fetal facial Angle, then three dimensional ultrasound reconstruction imaging to assist diagnosis of micrognathia. Results: 13 cases of fetal micrognathia were diagnosis by prenatal ultrasound, all of them mandibular length were significantly less than 1/2, are facial Angle less than 50°.5 cases of them were performed with chromosomal examination, 3 cases were trisomy 18 syndrome, 2 cases of chromosome were n't seen obvious abnormity. All the cases of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis were confirmed by after induced abortion. Conclusion: Prenatal two-dimensional ultrasound combined with three-dimnsional ultrasound can diagnosis of fetal micronathia clearly.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2016年第8期100-101,55,F0004,共4页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 产前诊断 三维超声 小下颌畸形 Prenatal disgnosis Three-dimensional ultrasound Micrognathia
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