

Governance and Restoration: Social Patterns and Research Methods to Address Environmental Issues
摘要 环境即是被人类有意识地关注的存在世界。当我们存在于其中的存在世界被我们所有意识地关注时,则表明它自身出现了危及到人类生存的问题。解决环境问题的基本社会方式有二,即治理和恢复:前者将环境视为静态的对象而形成治表思路,其基本方法是实证分析,具体为定量分析和定性分析的综合运用;后者正视环境的自生功能而形成治本努力,其基本方法是原理分析,并以其自生境原理和退化原理为双向规范。实证分析以社会科学为母体,它为解决具体问题提供操作技术;原理分析以自然科学为源泉,它为解决整体问题提供智识方法。环境问题的最终解决,必是治理与恢复并举,其方法论前提却是实证分析和原理分析的整合运用。 Environment is the being world consciously concerned by mankind. When paying close and conscious attention to the being world that we are existing in,we can discover issues threatening the survival of mankind. There are two basic social patterns to address environmental issues,namely governance and restoration. Taking environment as a static object,the former employs the basic method of empirical analysis,specifically as the comprehensive application of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis,to address the symptoms; acknowledging the viability of environment,the latter applies the basic method of principle analysis,under bilateral norms of habitat principle and degeneration principle,to tackle the root causes. Based upon social sciences,the method of empirical analysis provides operating techniques to address concrete issues; while the method of principle analysis,regarding natural sciences as its fountain,presents intellectual way to solve the integrated problem. On the methodological premise to integrate the application of empirical analysis and principle analysis,the final solution to environmental issues requires to employ both patterns of governance and restoration simultaneously.
作者 唐代兴
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第4期112-121,共10页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"生态文明建设中的气候伦理研究"(14BZX100)
关键词 环境问题 环境治理 环境恢复 environmental issues environmental governance environmental restoration
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