梵·迪克的"the ideology square"意识形态理论在国内媒介话语批判领域得到广泛关注和运用,但理论名称译法不一,反映了学界对理论本身认知上的缺陷。本文通过对此理论内涵、源流、价值和运用进行系统整理和研究,发现"the ideology square"本质上是基于群体认知的话语极化策略;它是欧洲从话语角度研究意识形态的学术背景下产生的,理论基于社会心理学当中的"社会表征理论",最直接的来源是"社会认同理论";它主要运用在批判话语当中,揭示不公平的社会话语现象;理论的运用维度既是话语的,又是社会认知的。因"theideology square"在话语运用中的策略性和对抗性,本文认为其最佳翻译应为"意识形态方阵"。
Van Dijk has proposed an ideology theory named "the ideology square", which has been widely concerned and used in the field of domestic media critical discourse analysis. However, the translation of the theory's label has several versions, reflecting the domestic scholars' understanding of the theory is superficial. Through systematic studying on the connotation, origin, value and the use of "the ideology square" theory, this paper finds that the essence of "the ideology square" is the group polarization strategy in discourse aroused from the academic background of the study in the relationships of ideology and discourse in Europe, and that triggered by "social representation theory", its direct theory source is "social identity theory". This paper also finds that it is mainly used in critical discourse, revealing the unfair social discourse phenomena, and that the use dimensions of the theory are both discourse and social cognition. Because the properties of "the ideology square" are based on strategy and antagonism, this paper argues that the best translation should be "yi shi xing tai fang zhen".
Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication