
“木牌上写着两个大字”功能句法-语义分析 被引量:1

A Functional Syntactico-semantic Analysis of “Mupai Shang Xiezhe Liangge Dazi ”
摘要 本文从加的夫系统功能语法的视角探讨"木牌上写着两个大字"这类存在句的句法-语义分析。研究表明,此类小句由五部分组成:句首的名词词组,充当"补语"兼做"地点"和"无标记的主位";主要动词;主要动词延伸成分;动词后的名词词组,充当"主语(主位)"兼作"受事-载体";结句标记。此类小句的语义可以从六个方面进行分析:在经验意义上,此类小句是地点类关系过程小句,句中的两个参与者为"地点"和"受事-载体";其人际意义在于提供信息;效度的分析显示此类小句未对效度进行评估;归一性分析则表明它们是肯定小句;主位分析表明"地点"充当"无标记的主位";信息组织的分析显示"地点"充当"已知信息","受事-载体"则是此类小句的(新)信息焦点。 This paper explores the syntacticosemantic analysis of such Chinese existential clauses as "Mupai Shang Xiezhe Liangge Dazi "( "There were written on the board two big characters") from the perspective of the Cardiff Model of Systemic Functional Grammar.The research indicates that such clauses are composed of 5 parts:the initial locative group which is Complement,Location and the unmarked Theme,the Main verb,the Main verb extension,the nominal group which is the Subject(Theme)conflated with Affected-Carrier,and the Ender.The semantic analysis of such clauses consists of6 strands of meanings.In terms of the experiential meaning such clauses are the locational relational clauses with the participant roles of Location and Affected-Carrier,their interpersonal function is to give information,the validity analysis reveals that such clauses are unassessed in validity meaning,the polarity analysis shows that they are positive clauses,the thematic analysis demonstrates that the Location is the unmarked Theme,the informational analysis shows that the Location is Given information whereas the Affected-Carrier is the(New)information Focus.
作者 邓仁华
机构地区 华南理工大学
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期39-46,共8页 Foreign Languages in China
关键词 汉语 存在句 句法-语义分析 系统功能语法 Chinese existential clauses syntacticsemantic analysis SFG
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