

Study on Ericaceae Plants and Analysis of Rubisco large subunit(RbcL)
摘要 杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)植物为木本植物,在世界范围内分布十分广泛,其不仅是世界主要的观赏花卉,而且还具有重要的经济价值和药用价值.核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase,Rubisco)参与CO2的同化,与植物的光合作用和光呼吸密切相关,而Rubisco具有催化活性的位点主要位于Rubisco大亚基(Rbc L),因此对于Rbc L的研究显得尤为重要.该研究对截至2016年5月1日,我国现存的杜鹃花科植物进行了分类,同时对从NCBI中获得的杜鹃花科Rbc L条目进行了统计及分类.这不仅为更好地剖析杜鹃花科植物光合作用机理及Rbc L结构和功能的研究奠定基础,同时对于珍惜植物资源的保护、开发和利用具有重要意义. Ericaceae is a kind of woody plants widely distributed around the world. It is not only the landscape plants worldwide,but also has significant economic and medicinal value. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase (Rubisco) is involved in the assimilation of CO2 and also closely related to photosynthesis and photorespiration in plants. The catalytic sites of Rubisco mainly located in the Rubisco large subunit (RbcL) ,so it has a great significance to study the structure and character of RbcL. The existing Ericaceae plants in China and the RbcL obtained from NCBI were classified in the present study. This study not only lay a solid foundation for further research into the structure and character of RbcL as well as the photosynthesis mechanism of Ericaceae ,but also has great significance in the conservation,development and utilization of plant resources.
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第3期131-134,共4页 Journal of Jilin Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31070224)
关键词 杜鹃花科 RUBISCO RBCL Ericaceae Rubisco RbcL
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