
《构与释》生态翻译学和文化学派的比较研究 被引量:1

A Comparative Study of Eco- Translatology and Cultural School of Translation Studies
摘要 文化学派在译学领域影响重大,生态翻译学则是崭露头角。两者在哲学理据、研究性质、理论体系和价值判断、研究目的、实例分析方面都有显著差别。《构与释》生态翻译学虽名为生态研究,却未能体现生态哲学核心理念,弃用描写性研究,鲜有重大翻译事件实例分析,重回规约性翻译研究路径;文化学派则蕴含了生态整体哲学思想萌芽,以描写性研究为基础,辅以大量重大翻译事件分析,和传统规约性翻译研究彻底决裂。 While cultural school of translation studies is exerting a great impact on translation studies, eco - translatology has just emerged as a brand - new school. The two are different from each other in terms of philosophical basis, research paradigm, theoretical system, purpose of research, and case study, with eco -translatology failing to include the essence of ecophilosophy, discarding descriptive studies, and important translation events a- nalysis, and moving back to the old prescriptive paradigm, the culture school on the other hand involving the pri- mary idea of eco - philosophy, employing descriptive paradigm in case studies, and breaking free from the prescriptive one.
作者 尹穗琼
出处 《宜春学院学报》 2016年第8期59-62,72,共5页 Journal of Yichun University
基金 湖南省益阳市哲学社会科学课题"生态翻译学和文化学派的比较研究"(2015YS14)阶段性研究成果
关键词 生态翻译学 文化学派 比较研究 eco - translatology culture school comparative study
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  • 5Cheryll Glotfelty & Harold Fromm(ed.), The Ecocriticism Reader; Landmarks in Literary Ecology, Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1996, pp. 115, 107, p.xx, pp. xviii, xix,p, xviii.
  • 6Karl Kroeber, Ecological Literary Criticism; Romantic Imagining and the Biology of Mind, New York: Columbia University Press, 1994, p. 25
  • 7James S. Hans, The Value(s) of Literature, Albany: SUNY Press, 1990, p. 5.
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