
国际视野中成人教育政策发展特点分析——基于第二份成人学习与教育全球报告 被引量:2

Analysis of the Developing Characteristics of Adult Education Policy in the International Perspective——Based on the Second Global Report on Adult Learning and Education
摘要 成人教育政策是保障成人教育权利的重要手段。通过对《第二份成人学习与教育全球报告》的分析,国际成人教育政策呈现出五大特点:成人教育的理解差异较大;政策地区分布仍存在差距;政策对象具有多样性;强调政策目标的社会功能性;教学语言政策种类较多。以上研究有利于对当今国际成人教育政策的发展状况进行全面的了解,并希望对我国成人教育政策制定提供启发和借鉴。 As an essential means, adult education policy plays an important role in guaranteeing the educational rights for adults. Through the analysis of the second global report on adult learning and education, there are five characteristics in the international adult education policies : the understanding of the adult education varies very much; there is still a lot of gaps between regions for adult edu- cation policies; policy object has a feature of diversity; social function is stressed as one of the function policy aim; there are many kinds of policies on the instruction language. The research helps to thoroughly understand the development and status of international a- dult education policy based on the findings. We hope it could bring some enlightenments and useful references for the establishment of Chinese adult education policy.
作者 王吉康 贾缓
出处 《成人教育》 北大核心 2016年第9期6-9,共4页 Adult Education
基金 国家社科基金一般项目 编号为14BMZ090
关键词 成人教育政策 政策对象 政策目标 教学语言政策 adult education policy policy object policy aim policy on the instruction language
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