
证据法的理性传统与理论维度——威廉·特文宁的证据理论解读 被引量:6

RationalTradition and Theoretical Dimension of Law of Evidence
摘要 在过去四十年,英美证据法学研究无论在研究重点还是在研究方法一直处于深刻的转型之中。在这一转型过程中,威廉·特文宁对证据法长期的法理学追问占据着极其独特的枢纽地位。本文以特文宁的知识活动为主线、以其证据理论思想为样本来加以剖析,理清法理学本身的反思性机制和整体性视野对于证据法学研究所具有的指引与重构价值。特文宁对证据法的法理学追问既源于宏大时代背景的挑战,同时也与个人学科背景和知识素养密切相关。他所系统总结的英美证据法学的理性主义传统、司法证明的分析方法以及"诉讼中的信息"的系统知识框架都已经成为英美证据法理论的重要贡献。证据法哲理化研究在我国正值方兴未艾,特文宁的证据理论及其对证据法法律维度的知识活动可以为当前的证据法哲理化研究提供重要的智识资源和示范效应。 The Evidence Scholarship was in the Process of Transformation in Last Forty Years. William Twining's Re- search are playing a very particular Role in the transformation of Anglo--American Evidence Scholarship. By analyzing the re- search of Twining, we can find how the rethinking mechanism and broad perspective of jurisprudence would be helpful to guide and reconstruct the Evidence Scholarship. The challenge of social context and personal circumstance had both encouraged the cross--question of Twining to Evidence Law. The Rationalist Tradition of Evidence Scholarship, The analysis methods of judi- cial proof and the intellectual framework of information in litigation has been the most important Part of Evidence Theory. twi- ning's research can offer important intellectual resources and excellent model to the philosophic theorization of Evidence Law in China.
作者 吴洪淇
机构地区 中国政法大学
出处 《法学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期73-85,共13页 Law Review
基金 作者主持的2011年度国家社科基金青年项目"证据排除规则的运行机制研究"(项目编号:11CFX056)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 证据法 司法证明 法理学 特文宁 哲理化 Evidence Law Judicial Proof Jurisprudence Philosophic Theorization Twining
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  • 1Rogers C. Park and Michael J. Saks, Evidence Scholarship Re- considered: Results of the Interdisciplinary Turn, Boston College Law Review, volume 47.
  • 2Johannes F. Nijboer, Current Issues in Evidence and Procedure: Comparative Comments from a Continental Perspec- tive, International Commentary on Evidence, Vol. 6, No.2.
  • 3Peter Tillers, Introduction of William Twining, Steon Hall Law Review, Vol.38:871.
  • 4William Twining,Theories of Evidence:Ben tham and Wigmore, Stanford University Press, 1985.
  • 5William Twining, Rethinking Evdence : Exploratory Essays, second edi- tion, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
  • 6Terence Anderson, David Schum & William Twining, Analysis of Evidence, second edition, Cambridge University Press,2006.
  • 7特伦斯·安德森,戴维·舒姆,威廉狩特文宁.《证据分析》(第二版),张保生等译,中国人民大学出版社2012年版.
  • 8《证据理论:边沁与威格摩尔》,吴洪淇,杜国栋译,中国人民大学出版社2015年版.
  • 9《反思证据:开拓性论著》,吴洪淇等译,中国人民大学出版社2015年版.
  • 10Paul Roberts, Rethinking the Law of Evidence: A Twenty-First Century Agenda for Teaching and Research, Cur- rent Legal Problems ,(2002) 55 (1).











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