
恐怖主义犯罪与国际协作机制之建立 被引量:3

Terrorist Crimes and the Establishment of International Cooperation Mechanism
摘要 文章提倡"核心恐怖主义"的观点,提出恐怖活动的定义包含下列因要素:其一,对平民基本权利的严重暴力袭击;其二,散布恐慌的特殊意图;其三,有一个有能力实行一系列此类暴力行为的犯罪组织。《国际刑事法院规约》对核心恐怖主义概念的阐释将对各国产生重大示范效应,从而减少不同的应对方式,甚至减责条件间的分歧。另一更具创新性、更先进的处理方式是在《国际刑事法院规约》的修正案中明确规定核心恐怖主义的条款,从而将其适用范围扩展至危害人类罪的定义之外的恐怖行为。 The paper promotes the concept of "Core Terrorism" and proposed that the definition of terrorist activities shall contain the following elements: Firstly, serious violent attacks against civilians' fundamental rights. Secondly, having specific intention to spread panic. Thirdly, an organization in which has the ability to implement a series of such violent activities. The paper suggests that the Statute of the International Criminal Court will have a significant effect on the interpretation of the core concept of terrorism. It can, therefore, reduce the different coping approaches and even diminished responsibility differences between conditions. Another more innovative, advanced approach is in the amendment of the Statute of the International Criminal Court to incorporate the defined terms of terrorism explicitly. This is for the purpose of extending its scope to the definition of terrorist acts against humanity.
作者 张晏玱
机构地区 山东大学法学院
出处 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期55-66,共12页 Law Science Magazine
关键词 恐怖主义犯罪 国际协作 国际刑事法院核心定义 terrorist crimes international co - operation International Criminal Court coredefinition
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  • 1Antonio Cassess, "The International Community' s ' Legal' Response to Terrorism", 38 International and Comparative Law Quarterly (1989) 589, at 606 ~607.
  • 2G.. Abi - Saab, "The Proper Role of International Law in Combating Terrorism", 1 Chinese Journal of International Law (2002) 305, at 311 ~ 313.
  • 3Marcello Di Filippo, "Terrorist Crimes and International Co -operation: Critical Remarks on the Definition and Inclu- sion of Terrorism in the Category of International Crimes", 19 The European Journal of International Law (2008) 533, at 535.
  • 4' Uniting Against Terrorism : Recommendations for a Global Counter - Terrorism Strategy' , Doc A/60/825.
  • 5Hoss and Philipp, "The Islamic World and the Fight against Terrorism", in C. Walter et al. (eds), Terrorism as a Challenge for National and International Law: Security versus Liberty? (2004), at 363,377 ~ 379.
  • 6Hmoud, "The Organization of the Islamic Conference", in G. Nesi (ed.), International Cooperation in Counter -Terrorism (2006), at 161, 166 - 169.
  • 7The Protocol amending the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism, adopted in Strasbourg on 15 May 2003, not yet in force ; the European Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism, adopted at Warsaw on 16 May 2005, entered into force on 1 June 2007 ( 12 states parties as of 30 April 2008).
  • 8The Additional Protocol to the SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism, adopted at Islamabad on 6 Jan. 2004, which came into force on 16 Jan. 2006 for all the SAARC Member States.
  • 9Schmahl, "Specific Methods of Prosecuting Terrorists in National Law", in Christian Walter et al. (eds.) , Terrorism as a Challenger for National and International Law : Security versus Liberty?, ( Springer: 2004), at 86 ~ 87.
  • 10Christian Waiter, "Defining Terrorism in National and International Law", in ibid. , at 28 ~ 30.











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