
英国刑事庭前程序的发展及对我国的启示 被引量:2

Development of the Criminal Pretrial Procedure in UK and Its Enlightenment to China
摘要 英国近年来以增加审判效率名义实施了一系列提高法院系统效率的改革措施,诸如改革案件分配移送制度,废除了治安法院的移送审判听证,增设了答辩与案件管理听证,强化审前听证在案件管理和庭审准备方面的功能。通过上述措施,英国刑事庭前程序构建了比较完备的程序分流机制和庭审准备机制,在兼顾司法公正与提高审判效率方面作用显著。我国刑事庭审实质化改革不仅要着眼刑事庭审程序,也要关注刑事庭前程序,尤其是庭前程序的分流功能与庭审准备功能。 Recently, a series of measures has been implemented in England and Wales to improve the efficiency of judicial system in the name of increasing trial efficiency, such as abolishing Committal hearings of Magistrates Court to reform the sending of cases, and adding the plea and case management hearings to strengthen the function of pre - trial hearings on case management and pre -trial preparation. Through these measures, it has been built a relatively completed system for filtering and shunting in British criminal pretrial procedure, and a better operating mechanism adapted to British criminal proceedings construction considering both of the judicial justice and trial efficiency.
作者 邓陕峡
出处 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期125-133,共9页 Law Science Magazine
基金 2013年度教育部人文社科研究课题"刑事庭前会议的实证分析与理论阐述"(13YJC820014)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 刑事庭前程序 移送审判听证 答辩与案件管理 听证启示 criminal pretrial procedure committal proceedings plea and case managementHearing enlightenment
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