The research on thick translation can help discover and solve problems which can not be solved by analyzing the main body in a translation. Wilhelm and Baynes' translation of I Ching gained attention since published, and still in great popularity among the Amazon customers. The present research holds this is closely related with translator's method and analyzes the reasons behind it from the perspective of thick translation. Conclusions are arrived as follows: firstly, thick translation methods outside of the main body, such as the translator's positioning of readership is of guiding significance to western readers ; the explanation of arrangement, appendix and index makes readers' counseling convenient; whereas "intelligibility" as the translator's goal greatly smoothies out readers' difficulties; and Jung's foreword greatly attracts customers' interests to the version. Secondly, in thick translation inside of the main text, the translator emphasizes on the practical use of I Ching, and elaborates at great length the wisdom and philosophy in it. And customers' reviews from Amazon testify his elaborative comments bring living meaning to western readers, which enhances translation's reception. Those two forms of thick translation together contribute to its great popularity among English translations of Chinese classics.
Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice
thick translation
English translation of I Ching
practical use of I Ching
wisdom and philosophy
Amazon customers' reviews