
基于助推理论的公共服务质量改进——一个研究框架 被引量:19

Quality Improvement of Public Service Based on the Boost Theory:A Framework for Researches
摘要 要真正改善公共服务质量,使用者的行为就不可缺场。在过去十几年间,基于行为科学视角的助推理论已经引起学术界的广泛讨论,并在慈善捐赠、器官捐赠、政策监管等领域得到了初步运用。本文初步建构了公共服务质量助推机制的分析框架和基本类型,并应用厦门陈水总BRT纵火案等案例,论证助推理论在公共服务质量领域的应用潜力。将助推理论引入公共服务质量领域,建立公共服务质量的行为视角,有助于我们建立更加完整的公共服务效用分析框架,更好地揭示、解释和评估各种公共服务实践行动和使用者行为。 To truly improve the quality of public services, the users' behavior should not be absent. Over the past decade, the boost theory from the perspective of behavioral science has caused widespread discussions of the academic community, and has been applied in domains of charitable donation, organ donation, and policy regulatory authorities. This paper builds the preliminary analytical framework and basic types for the boost mechanism for improving quality of public services,and applies them in the case study of Chen Shuizong's BRT arson crime in Xiamen to point out that the boost theory has great potential in the improvement of quality of public services. The introduction of boost theory into the quality domain of public services and the building of behavior perspective for improving quality of public services can help us build a more complete analytical framework for the effectiveness of public services, resulting in a better demonstration, explanation, and evaluation of practice of public services and users' behavior.
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期109-116,共8页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
基金 教育部人文社科研究青年项目"信息与激励:改善公共服务质量的呼吁机制研究"(12YJC630084) 国家自科基金青年项目"农田灌溉合作行为的演进机理与促发机制研究"(71303198) 国家自科基金面上项目"公共服务质量持续改进机制的研究"(71273218) 厦门大学教师类基础创新科研基金项目"基于客户关系管理(CRM)的公共服务模式创新研究"的阶段性成果
关键词 公共服务质量 行为科学 助推理论 quality of public services behavioral sciences Boost Theory
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