目的 :探讨基于体素分析(voxel-based analysis,VBA)图像方法在肝豆状核变性(Wilson’s disease,WD)MRI研究中的应用价值。方法:通过34例WD患者和30例健康志愿者的定量磁化率成像(quantitative susceptibility mapping,QSM)和DTI数据的VBA组间比较,检出WD患者大脑铁沉积及各向异性指数(FA)值异常的脑区,分析这种方法与常规基于ROI方法研究的优势与不足。结果:WD患者较正常人,双侧丘脑、双侧豆状核、双侧尾状核、双侧红核、双侧黑质、双侧颞叶、右侧岛叶和左侧顶下小叶等脑区的铁沉积含量增加,部分白质等脑区的铁沉积含量减少;双侧丘脑的背外侧核和腹外侧核、双侧豆状核、双侧尾状核及双侧红核等脑区的FA值升高,双侧丘脑内侧核及白质等脑区的FA值降低。结论:VBA图像方法具有能够发现未知区域病变、病变区域精确定位,以及研究客观等方面的优势,是一种很有价值的WD的MRI研究方法。
Objective:To explore the application value of voxel-based analysis (VBA) in MRI study of Wilson's disease. Methods:34 patients with WD and 30 cases of healthy controls were recruited for the QSM study and DTI study. With vox-el-based analysis,the iron deposition and FA value of WD patients were compared with the control group in order to find the changed brain areas in patient group. These areas were further compared with common ROIs used in conventional MRI studies to investigate the VBA efficiency of pathology detection. Results:Compared with the control group,the patient group demonstrat-ed significantly increased iron deposition in bilateral thalamus,lentiform nucleus,caudate nucleus,red nuclears,substantia nigra, temporal lobe,as well as right insula and left inferior parietal lobule,while decreased iron deposition was found in some white matter areas. The patient group showed significantly increased FA value in bilateral dorsal lateral and ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus,lentiform nucleus,caudate nucleus and bilateral red nucleus. while significantly decreased FA value was demonstrated in bilateral medial thalamic nucleus and widespread areas of white matter. Conclusion:With the method of voxel-based analy-sis,not only the conventional lesion areas are detected,but some brand new areas of abnormality are also found. Futhermore, this method could provide more detailed and precise anatomical information and overcome the weakness of conventional method of manually drawing ROI. Therefore,it is concluded that VBA is a valuable method in Wilson's disease study of MRI.
Chinese Imaging Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
Voxel-based analysis
Hepatolenticular degeneration
Magnetic resonance imaging