针对矿难、地震等突发灾难发生时的恶劣现场环境,提出并设计了一款能够适应各种复杂地形,信息传输能力强,功能全面的搜救机器人.基本思路将机器人设计为动力部分、功能部分、控制及通信部分.该系统采用蚁群算法计算出最佳搜救路径,使救援更加高效,采用2.4G ZigBee无线传感器技术进行数据传输和信息记录,大大提高了信息的准确性和安全性,结合多种搜救传感器的方式完成"现场环境探测"、"幸存生命体搜索"、"人员救助救援"等功能,该系统可以针对不同应用场合,对功能进行个性化编辑,从而实现一种移动系统多种应用场合的用途.
Aiming at the sudden disasters such as earthquake harsh field environment, a search-and-rescue robot is designed with strong ability to adapt to the complex terrain and surmount obstacles and comprehensive functions to search and rescue in order to improve the efficiency. The basic idea of designing the robot consists power part, function part, control and communication part. The system uses ant colony algorithm to calculate the best search path, so that the rescue can be more efficient. The ZigBee 2.4G wireless sensor technology for data transmission and information record is used, and the accuracy and security of information is greatly improved. Combined with a variety of search and rescue sensors to complete the "environment detection," "Life Search," "rescue" and other functions, the system can be used for different applications to achieve a variety of mobile applications.
Journal of Dalian Jiaotong University