
TPP协定的特征与新规则 被引量:7

The Characteristics and New Rules of TPP
摘要 美国主导的TPP被誉为"21世纪黄金规则",是近年来区域经济合作中的重要成果,本文深入分析了TPP的特征及其新规则。TPP特征主要包括反映全球价值链的诉求、实现知识产权目标以及关税减让的不对称性等;其规则主要体现在八个"新",即采用负面清单开放模式,对外资实行全面国民待遇,电子商务和数字化交易规则,知识产权保护,政府采购,国有企业竞争规则,劳工权利和环境,争端解决机制和投资者-东道国争端解决等。最后,本文作者针对TPP规则,从优化劳工和环境标准、扩大开放和促进升级等方面为我国新时期的发展提出了建议。 TPP dominated by United States is known as "golden rule" in the 21(st)century, which is the important achievements in regional economic cooperation in recent years. This paper analyzes the features of TPP. The characteristics of TPP mainly include the global value chain, goal of intellectual property rights and the asymmetry of tariff concession and so on. And the new rules mainly include open mode of negative list, comprehensive national treatment for foreign investment, e- commerce and digital trading rules, protection of intellectual property rights, government procurement, competition rules of state- owned enterprises, dispute settlement mechanism and investors- host country dispute settlement. Finally, it proposes some suggestions for the development of our new period from optimization of labor and environmental standards, opening up and upgrading aiming at the TPP rules.
作者 林桂军 任靓
出处 《国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期5-15,共11页 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
基金 国家重大社科项目"中国对外贸易战略转型研究"(12&zd096)阶段性成果
关键词 TPP 自由贸易协定 黄金规则 TPP Free Trade Agreement Golden Rule
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