为了获得豇豆化学诱变的适宜条件,以豇豆品种天畅9号和银豇王为试材,设置3种EMS浓度、3种处理时间进行诱导,研究其对种子萌发、幼苗生长及其主要生化指标的影响。结果表明:EMS能导致豇豆种子的发芽势、发芽率降低,种子浸出液电导率、幼苗SOD活性及可溶性蛋白质含量增加;在EMS浓度为0.3%、0.5%、0.9%条件下,天畅9号的半致死剂量诱导时间分别为4.41、3.63、3.59 h,银豇王分别为2.04、1.03、0.79 h。
In order to obtain the suitable conditions for cowpea chemical mutation, taking cowpea cultivar 'Tianchang 9' and 'Yin-jiang-wang' as experimental material and setting 3 kinds of EMS concentration with 3 treatment time, the effect of seed germination, seedling growth, and major biochemical indexes of seedling were studied. The results showed that the germination energy and germination percentage of cowpea seeds were decreased, whereas the electrical conductivity of their leaching liquid, SOD activities and soluble protein content of seedling were increased with EMS treatment. While seeds were treated with 0. 3%, 0. 5% and 0. 9% EMS solution, the induction time of half lethal dose were 4. 41,3.63, 3.59 h in cultivar ‘Tianchang 9' , and 2. 04, 1.03, 0. 79 h in cultivar' Yin-jiang-wang' , respectively.
Journal of Jianghan University:Natural Science Edition