

A Pragmatic Study on the Impoliteness in Chinese TV Series
摘要 以Bousfield的不礼貌框架理论为基础,研究汉语电视剧中的不礼貌实现策略,不礼貌的起因、具体语境中听话者对不礼貌的回应及不礼貌话语的结束,旨在帮助听话者更好理解言语不礼貌现象,选择适当的不礼貌回应策略,缓解不礼貌对自身面子的威胁,进一步维持和谐的人际关系。 Based on Bousfield's impoliteness model, this paper aims to analyze the realization of impoliteness strategies in Chinese TV series. Besides, the causes of impoliteness, the response strategies of impoliteness as well as the resolution of impoliteness are also discussed so as to help hearers of the interaction better understand impoliteness, choose appropriate response strategies and bring impoliteness into a peaceful resolution. In this way, hearers' face damage can be relieved and a harmonious interpersonal relationship can be maintained.
作者 黄旭琳
出处 《襄阳职业技术学院学报》 2016年第4期70-73,共4页 Journal of Xiangyang Polytechnic
关键词 Bousfield 汉语电视剧 不礼貌言语 Bousfield Chinese TV Series impoliteness
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