
发达国家城镇化进程的经验借鉴与启示 被引量:2

Experience of the Process of Urbanization in Developed Countries and Its Revelation
摘要 英国、美国和日本是世界公认的基本完成城镇化并具有代表性的发达国家,在城镇化发展过程中积累了宝贵的经验。研究发现,它们在城镇化发展进程中具有三方面共同特征:工业化与城镇化良性互动、城镇化阶段性特征显著、市场与政府调节并行;同时,它们各自的城镇化发展道路又有着与众不同的特点。借鉴发达国家城镇化发展经验,结合中国国情,我国在新型城镇化建设过程中必须坚持农业基础地位不动摇;大力发展乡村工业,带动城镇化发展;注重市场与政府双轮驱动;推进大、中、小城市协调发展;发展符合生态文明的新型城镇化。 UK, US and Japan are the developed countries and representatives which have achieved the basic completion of urbanization. They have accumulated valuable experience in the process of urbanization. It is found that they have three features in common in the process of urbanization development: benign interaction between industrialization and urbanization ; prominent characteristics of urbanization in different stages; regulation of mar- ket in parallel with that of government. At the same time, they have their own outstanding characteristics in the process of urbanization development. Learning from the experience of developed countries in the process of urbanization, China should regard agriculture as the foundation combined with actual conditions in the process of construction of new urbanization. It is still important for China to vigorously develop the rural industry and promote the the development of urbanization. The double drive from market and government should be focused on too. It is also crucial to promote the coordinated development of large, medium and small cities. China should develop a new urbanization with ecological civilization.
作者 闫佳祺
出处 《税务与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期31-36,共6页 Taxation and Economy
关键词 城镇化 发达国家 经验借鉴 英国 美国 日本 Urbanization developed countries experience UK US Japan
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