
学术迹与学术矩阵在期刊评价中的应用——以海洋学领域期刊为例 被引量:8

Application of Academic Trace and Academic Matrix in Journal Evaluation
摘要 [目的]以国内海洋学领域的10种代表性核心期刊为研究对象,对基于学术矩阵和学术迹的学术测度方法应用于期刊评价的可行性和有效性进行实证探索。[方法]以CNKI(中国知网)为数据来源,采集10种期刊的可被引论文数、零引论文数、h指数、总被引数和h域引文数5个独立数,在此基础上测算它们的学术矩阵参数和学术迹。[结果]通过学术迹变化的动态对比,发现它们的学术迹整体呈发散状走势,且有效学术贡献的累积期在2-3年;学术矩阵的各项指标能够在一定程度上诠释期刊之间差异产生的原因,并主要从总学术贡献、整体发文水平、发文的即时关注度和学术潜力爆发期4个方面对差异进行总结。[结论]该方法能够对期刊的各类学术成就进行量化评估,提高了评价的直观性和全面性。 [ Purposes ] Choosing 10 representative domestic core journals in the field of oceanography as the research objects, this paper attempts to prove the feasibility and effectiveness of academic measure method based on academic trace and academic ma- trix applied to journal evaluation. [ Methods ] Taking CNKI as the data source, the paper collects data from 20 journals, including the number of cited papers, zero cited papers, h-index, total citation and citation of h-domain. On the basis of the 5 independent numbers, the paper calculates the academic matrix parameters and the academic trace. [ Results ] Through a dynamic comparison of the academic traces among the 10 journals, the paper finds that the movements of academic trace are divergent and the period of the effective academic contribution accumulation is 2-3 years. To a certain extent, the indicators in academic matrix can explain the reasons which cause the differences between 10 journals. And the paper summaries the differences from 4 aspects, including total academic contribution, the overall paper level, the immediate attention by peers, and the outbreak period of academic potential. [ Conclusions ] The method based on academic trace and academic matrix can quantitatively evaluate all kinds of academic achieve- ments of the journals, and at the same time improve the intuition and the comprehensiveness of the evaluation.
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期37-42,共6页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"海洋强国科研实力的情报学分析及海洋学领域学科导航的构建"(项目编号:13BTQ043) 江苏省研究生教育教学改革研究与实践课题"江苏省高校优势学科科研生产力发展路径研究"(项目编号:JGLX15_033) 江苏科技大学研究生教育教学改革研究与实践重点课题"面向‘一流造船大学’定位需求的我校船舶与海洋工程学科科研生产力发展对策研究"(项目编号:YJG2014Z_04)的成果
关键词 期刊评价 学术矩阵 学术迹 H指数 journal evaluation academic matrix academic trace h-index
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