

The Binary Opposition of “the Sense of Reality” and “the Sense of Nihility”:on Trilling's Criticism of James Joyce
摘要 莱昂内尔·特里林以“现实感”与“虚无感”的二元对立,构建其乔伊斯批判的核心理念;通过小说美学的变异问题界定乔伊斯的道德虚无性及消极影响,显示独特的批评视角和立场,但把乔伊斯的创作理解为对经验的消解和嘲讽,或是作者世界观意义上的疏离或冷漠的表征,却是过于武断的结论。本文试图对特里林的小说观进行梳理和总结,在此基础上对其乔伊斯批判提出质疑和商榷。 Lionel Trilling constructs his core idea of the criticism of James Joyce with the binary opposition of 'the sense of reality' and 'the sense of nihility'. His unique perspective and standpoint of criticism are demonstrated by his definition of the moral nihility of Joyce and its negative effect by the questions of the transformation of aesthetics of fiction. Nonetheless, it is too opinionated to interpret Joyce's writing as the dispelling and the sarcasm of experience or the representation of the alienation or aloofness in the sense of the world outlook of the author. This essay attempts to summarize Trilling's theory of fiction and accordingly propose doubts and deliberations on Trilling's criticism of Joyce.
作者 许志强
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期138-142,共5页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 特里林 乔伊斯 现实感 虚无感 二元对立 Lionel Trilling James Joyce the sense of reality the sense of nihility binary opposition
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