
雷诺应力模型的初步应用 被引量:8

Preliminary application of Reynolds stress model
摘要 针对SSG/LRR-ω雷诺应力模型,选取NASA湍流资源网站上的四个典型算例,即湍流平板边界层流动、带凸起管道流动、翼型尾迹区流动和NACA0012不同攻角绕流,开展初步的验证与确认工作,将部分结果和CFL3D进行对比。对于NACA0012翼型绕流,对比雷诺应力模型和SA模型的升力系数,结果表明:在失速攻角附近,雷诺应力模型明显优于SA模型。在此基础上,将该模型应用于DLR-F6翼身组合体的数值模拟,计算得到的机翼表面典型站位压力分布和实验值吻合良好,同时该模型捕捉到翼身交汇位置的小范围分离。 For the verification and validation of SSG/LRR - ω Reynolds stress model, four typical two dimensional cases from NASA turbulence resources website were chosen, including zero pressure gradient flat plate, bump-in-channel, airfoil near-wake and flow over NACA0012 airfoil. A part of numerical results were in good agreement with that of CFL3D. For flow over NACA0012 airfoil, lift coefficients of Reynolds stress model and SA model were compared. It is obvious that near the stall angle of attack, Reynolds stress model has advantages over SA model. Based on these results, SSG/LRR - ω Reynolds stress model was applied to the simulation of complex DLR - F6 wing-body configuration. Pressure coefficient in typical stations is comparable to that of experiment. Besides, small range of separation in the wing-body intersection is well captured.
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期46-53,共8页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 国防科学技术大学科研计划资助项目(ZDYYJCYJ20140101)
关键词 雷诺应力模型 验证与确认 复杂外形应用 Reynolds stress model verification and validation application in complex configuration
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