
巫祝“立言”论 被引量:2

On “Expounding Ideas” by Wizard and Worship Speaker
摘要 巫,以动作沟通人与鬼神,"能事无形,以舞降神者也";祝,以言语沟通人与鬼神,"祝,祭主赞词者",或为主人飨神,或为神致福主人。祝官之辞常兼具"事鬼神",通人间"上下亲疏"的功用,以"利民之语"为特征。因此,巫祝沟通人与鬼神,以人为主。巫祝之辞,或询问,或祈福,或赐福,或诅咒。巫祝"立言"以"六辞"为代表文体,《逸周书》有《殷祝》《周祝》以"祝"命名之篇,又是"祝文"总汇。祝官之辞又与颂、诗等文体相关,且与祭文、赞文、哀文、诔文等有所关联,任昉《文章缘起》以汉董仲舒《祝日蚀文》为最早的"祝文"。巫祝"立言"的本质特点即以人为主的人神交流,对人神交流、天地交流文学境界的开创有所影响,屈原所作之《九歌》《招魂》《橘颂》《离骚》等,都具有以人为主沟通人与鬼神的意味。巫祝"立言"的人神交流传统,对古代文学创作的影响,在于创造出人神交流的世界而非单纯的鬼神世界。巫祝"立言"的人神交流传统,促进着抒情意味的强化、文字撰作的诚敬等古代文学观念的生成。 Wizards did communication between people and gods or ghosts by their actions, and worship speakers did it by their speeches. There were a lot of contents in speakers' words, they linked up the people and spirits(gods or ghosts) and had the features of 'good words beneficial to the people'. Therefore, the wizards and speakers took people as foundations in doing communications between people and gods or ghosts. So their words took the form of asking, praying, blessing or cursing.Their speeches took the 'Six Words' as the representive style and were collected in <the Book of Yizhou>. The speeches were connected with the writing styles such as Odes and Poems, and associated with the funeral orations,eulogistic address, mourning essays,etc. In his <Origin of the Essays>,Ren Fang took Dong Zhongshu's <On Solar Eclipse> in Han Dynasty as the earliest'worship article'. The essential feature of such words is the communication between people and gods which is dominated by people. It affected the creation of literary realm between people and gods, between heaven and earth. The great Poet Qu Yuan's many poems had such implications,like <Nine Songs>, <Ode to the Oranges> and <Li Sao>. The influence of such a tradition to the ancient literary creation lies in that it created a world of communication between people and gods instead of a pure spirit world,people occupied the dominated status in it, while the spirits obtained their own existence through their contacts with the people, such as in the fairy poems and legends. Such a tradition promoted the generation of the ancient literary concepts, such as the strengthening of lyric meaning and the sincerity and respect in writing.
作者 胡大雷
出处 《中原文化研究》 2016年第5期74-81,共8页 The Central Plains Culture Research
关键词 巫祝 人神交流 楚辞 抒情 诚敬 wizard and worship speaker communication between people and gods Chu Ci lyric sincerity andrespect
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