

Dynamic property analysis of wind turbine tower system based on substructure
摘要 采用子结构模态综合(Component Mode Synthesis,CMS)法和频响综合(Frequency response function-Based Substructure,FBS)法分析大型高耸装配结构风力发电高塔系统动力特性.通过子结构模态或频率响应函数(Frequency Response Function,FRF)信息综合成整体的模态或FRF信息,在保证整体分析精度的条件下提高计算效率,同时解决风电塔系统模态和FRF信息不易获得的问题.建立风电塔系统各个子结构的有限元模型和整体模型,分别使用MSC Nastran和LMS Virtual.Lab对各个子结构进行模态综合和频响综合分析,并将综合的结果与整体建模计算的结果进行对比,验证采用子结构CMS法和FBS法分析风力发电高塔系统的可行性和正确性. The dynamic property of large-scale assembly structure wind turbine tower system is analyzed by the Component Mode Synthesis ( CMS) method and Frequency response function-Based Substructure (FBS) method. The modes or the Frequency Response Function( FRF) of substructure are synthesized into the integral mode or FRF, which can not only ensure the whole analysis accuracy and improve the calculation efficiency, but also solve the problem of obtaining integral mode or FRF of wind turbine tower system. The finite element models and the integral models are built for the substructures. MSC Nastran and LMS Virtual. Lab are separately used to analyze the modal synthesis and frequency response. The results are compared with that obtained by the integral model, which verifies that the feasibility and correctness of CMS method and FBS method for wind turbine tower system.
出处 《计算机辅助工程》 2016年第4期55-61,共7页 Computer Aided Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(11232003 91515103) 高等学校学科创新引智计划(B14013) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(DUT15JJ(G)03)
关键词 风电塔 子结构 动力特性 分析精度 计算效率 数值模型 模态综合 频响综合 wind turbine tower substructure dynamic property analysis accuracy computational efficiency numerical model modal synthesis frequency response synthesis
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