
布迪厄理论视角下翻译审美再现研究——以罗慕士、赛珍珠的汉语典籍英译为例 被引量:5

Aesthetic Representations of Translation From the Perspective of Bourdieu's Theory:With Roberts' and Buck's English Translations of Chinese Classics as Case Studies
摘要 文章从布迪厄提出的"文化生产场"理论视角出发,分析了罗慕士翻译的《三国演义》和赛珍珠翻译的《水浒传》审美再现差异形成的三大外部因素,即翻译协助者、翻译赞助者和翻译消费者。研究发现,文学翻译的策略选择并不纯粹是译者的个人选择,更多地取决于翻译场域中上述三者对其的制约和影响。译者为获得和维护他所追求的社会资本、文化资本以及象征资本,必须充分考虑上述主体的"利益"或期待。 Based on the theory of the field of cultural production proposed by Pierre Bourdieu,the paper aims to seek the three external factors accounting for the differences in aesthetic representations of Moss Roberts' and Pearl S.Buck's translations:the assistants of the translator,patrons of the translation and consumers of the translated text.It has been found out that the translator's choice of the literary translation strategies is subject to the influence of the three agents above in various forms rather than a purely personal decision.The translator needs to take into full account their interests and expectations in order to acquire and maintain the social capital,cultural capital and symbolic capital he/she is pursuing.
作者 董琇
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期107-116,共10页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
关键词 罗译《三国演义》 赛译《水浒传》 审美再现 翻译协助者 翻译赞助者 翻译消费者 Moss Roberts' translation of Sanguoyanyi Pearl S Buck's translation of Shuihuzhuan aesthetic representations assistants of the translator patrons of the translation consumers of the translated text
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