

Reconstruction of University Governance Mechanism Based on Legitimacy of Power
摘要 权力的正当性问题关注的是权力的来源,以及权力的道德基础和公共认可。只要在权力行使的过程中存在支配—服从关系,权力的正当性的论证就必不可少。用权力的正当性来分析大学治理机制,对于治理中各权力主体划分边界、凝聚共识、维护权威、提升绩效、构建稳定的大学治理环境具有积极意义。 The legitimacy of power is concerned with the source of power,and asking legitimacy is to question the moral basis and public recognition of the power.As long as there are domination and subordination in the exercise of power,the argument of the legitimacy of the power is always essential.This will bring positive significance when we use the legitimacy of power to analyze university governance mechanism for dividing the power boundary,gathering consensus,maintaining authority,improving performance and building a stable environment of university governance.
作者 钟名扬 多强
出处 《高校教育管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期34-39,共6页 Journal of Higher Education Management
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区2014年教育科学"十二五"规划青年基金项目(148024)
关键词 正当性 大学治理 机构重构 legitimacy university governance mechanism reconstruction
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