
山地城市建设海绵城市的探索 被引量:4

Exploration on the Construction of Sponge City in Mountainous Cities
摘要 海绵城市建设的目标是让城市"弹性适应"环境和自然灾害,通过"源头控制"、"中途转输"、"末端调蓄"措施,让城市能够在雨量大时蓄水,雨量小时排水,从而发挥调蓄作用,减少城市内涝的发生。重庆作为典型的山地城市,海绵城市建设有其自身的特点,建设过程中应保留原有地块中的崖、溪、谷、岸等原有自然地貌,依山就势,顺势而为。 The goal of sponge city is to make the city more flexible to deal with the environmental and natural disaster. According to "source control", "half way transfer", "ending store" and measures, the sponge city could store water when the rain fall is large and discharge water when the rain fall is small. The construction of sponge city could also reduce the occurrence of water logging in the city. As a typical mountainous city, Chongqing has its own characteristics in the construction of sponge city. Generally speaking, the original natural land form should be protected in the process of construction, such as cliff, river, valley and coast.
作者 陈坤林
出处 《价值工程》 2016年第27期169-170,共2页 Value Engineering
关键词 海绵城市 山地城市 低影响开发 sponge city mountainous city low impact development
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