
La_2Ca_(1-x)Sr_xB_(10)O_(19)(Sr^(2+)∶LCB)晶体的生长及光学性质 被引量:1

Growth and Optical Properties of Sr^(2+)∶LCB Crystal
摘要 通过顶部籽晶法生长出掺5%和8%Sr^(2+)的La_2CaB_(10)O_(19)(LCB)晶体,ICP测得LCB晶体中Sr^(2+)掺入量分别为1.75%和2.02%。XRD证实Sr^(2+)的掺入对LCB晶体晶胞参数的影响较小。摇摆曲线测得Sr^(2+)∶LCB晶体半高宽为36",表明晶体具有较高质量。Sr^(2+)∶LCB晶体在300~2000 nm波段具有较高的透过率,紫外截止边为172 nm。拟合的色散方程符合Sr^(2+)∶LCB晶体折射率的实验值,理论计算表明Sr^(2+)∶LCB晶体可实现相位匹配,其最短二倍频波长小于LCB晶体。 5% and 8% Sr^2+ doped La2CaB10O19 ( LCB) crystals were grown by top-seed solution growth method. Using Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) , the concentrations of Sr^2+ doped into LCB crystals were measured to be 1.75% and 2.02% , respectively. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that doping Sr^2 + has only little effect on cell parameters of LCB crystal. The FWHM of rocking curve is 36" , which shows that the as-grown Sr^2+: LCB crystal has good quality. Sr^2+: LCB has high transmittance from 300 nm to 2000 nm and cut-off wavelength is about 172 nm. The calculated Sellmeier equations are in good agreement with experimental refractive indices of Sr^2+: LCB crystal. Phase-matching SHG wavelength of Sr^2+: LCB crystal is shorter than that of LCB.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期2011-2015,共5页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 国家自然科学基金(51132008)
关键词 LCB晶体 顶部籽晶法 光学性质 LCB crystal top-seed solution growth method optical property
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