Owing to the fact that karst landform is usually much developed on the Yunnan and Guizhou highlands where engineeringgeology is very complex, earth gushing, water gushing, collapsing or other geological disasters often happen when atunnel is drilled in opposite directions, especially at the final stage of the run-through of the tunnel. Therefore, the constructionmethods at this stage have to be carefully chosen to ensure the safe run-through of the tunnel. When the last 30-m section(DK611 + 055-+ 085) of the Malazhai Tunnel Project of the Shanghai-Kunming Railway built by the 17th Bureau Group ofChina Railway is to be run-through, the drilling at the entrance end stops,the inverted arches at both the entrance end and theexit end^and the secondary lining are provided immediately; the 24-m running-through section from the exit work face is drilledby means of the micro-step plus the temporary inverted arch method,with the last 6-m section excavated by the advanced guidingtube being used as the advanced support firsthand the core earth-retaining radially excavating method; with the speed of eachsegment of steel arch support for each cycle of drilling operation, the tunnel is run-through step by step until the whole tunnelis smoothly completed. The tunnel is successfully completed, with a good effect in construction duration and obvious economicbenefits achieved.
Traffic Engineering and Technology for National Defence
run-through of a tunnel
poor geology
drilling in opposite directions