
局部晚期宫颈癌治疗的临床进展 被引量:4

Clinical progress of locally advanced cervical cancer
摘要 宫颈癌是最常见的妇科恶性肿瘤,在我国发病逐渐趋于年轻化。对于早期患者,手术治疗是其主要治疗手段,但针对不能根治性切除的局部晚期患者,同步放化疗较传统的单纯放疗在降低局部复发率、提高无进展生存率和总生存率、改善预后等方面显示明显优势。针对肿瘤细胞靶向基因的分子靶向药物及肿瘤疫苗的相关研究也已有多项临床试验。因此,多学科规范化综合治疗原则指导下的个体化治疗模式成为局部晚期宫颈癌治疗的新理念。 Cervical cancer is the most common gynecological malignancy. The onset age tend to be younger in China. Surgery is the main treatment for patients with early stage cervical cancer. Concurrent chemoradiot herapy shows ad-vantage than the traditional radiotherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer, it can increase the rate of progression -free and overall survival,it also can reduce the local recurrence and impoved prognosis. The related research have many clinical trials for cancer vaccines and molecular targeted drugs of targeted gene in tumor cells. Therefore, indi-vidualized treatment mode which guide by comprehensive treatment with multidisciplinary and standardized is the new concept for locally advanced cervical cancer.
作者 侯艳艳 韩波
出处 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2016年第20期3334-3337,共4页 Journal of Modern Oncology
关键词 局部晚期宫颈癌 同步放化疗 靶向治疗 肿瘤疫苗 locally advanced cervical cancer,concurrent chemo - radiotherapy,targeted therapy,cancer vaccines
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