
天津市居民吸烟及戒烟状况调查分析 被引量:9

Analysis on Smoking Status and Smoking Cessation among Tianjin Residents
摘要 目的了解天津市居民吸烟状况、戒烟想法及戒烟方法的应用,为有针对性地在居民中开展健康教育活动提供依据,同时为制定相关控烟政策提供基础数据。方法使用PPS法(按规模大小成比例的概率抽样)在每个区抽取3个街道,共计16个区。使用PPS在每个街道抽取2个居委会抽样单位,采用随机抽样方法在每个居委会抽取70个家庭户,每个家庭户采用KISH表抽取1名调查对象,每个居委会完成50份调查问卷。结果男性现在吸烟率为42.35%,女性现在吸烟率为10.32%,男性吸烟率高于女性(χ~2=760.956,P〈0.05),不同文化程度居民吸烟率差异有统计学意义(χ~2=95.605,P〈0.05)。男性与女性现在吸烟者戒烟意愿差异无统计学意义(χ~2=2.959,P〉0.05),不同吸烟量的现在吸烟者戒烟意愿差异有统计学意义(χ~2=30.434,P〈0.05),随着吸烟者吸烟量的增大,想戒烟的比例也在逐渐降低。89.18%现在吸烟者选择靠自己毅力戒烟,7.06%选择拨打戒烟热线。在过去12个月,有42.25%医护人员建议吸烟者戒烟。非吸烟者对主动吸烟及吸入二手烟的危害知晓率高于吸烟者,有戒烟想法的人主动吸烟及吸入二手烟的危害知晓率高于吸烟者。结论应积极开展控烟工作,有针对性地对男性、女性吸烟者开展控烟干预工作,加大戒烟门诊、戒烟热线的宣传,提高医务人员的戒烟知识和戒烟技巧,广泛宣传主动吸烟与被动吸烟的危害,同时政府部门加强控烟法律执行力度,保证人民群众不受二手烟的危害。 Objectives To understand smoking status,smoking cessation idea and method of smoking cessation of Tianjin residents,providing the basis for health education activities among residents,as well as the basic data for development of relevant tobacco control policies.Methods PPS sampling was used to select three streets from every district from 16 districts.Two communities from every streets were selected as sample units and 70 families from every community were selected by random sampling.The KISH lists were used to select one family member to answer the questionnaire from every family and every community should complete 50 questionnaires.Results Male current smoking rate was 42.35%and female 10.32% with smoking rate of male was higher than female(χ~2=760.956,P〈0.05).Male and female current smoker's smoking cessation idea was not statistically significant(χ~2=2.959,P〈0.05),different amounts of current smoker's smoking cessation idea was statistically significant(χ~2=30.434,P〈0.05),with the increase of smokers smoking,the proportion of wanting to quit was gradually reduced.89.18% current smokers chose to quit on their own willpower,7.06% chose to call stop smoking line.In the past 12 months,42.25% medical staff had recommended smokers to quit.The awareness of the harm of smoking and secondhand smoke in non-smoker was higher than smokers.The awareness of the harm of smoking and secondhand smoke in smoker who had the quit smoking thoughts was higher than smokers.Conclusions We should actively carry out to bacco control work and develop tobacco control interventions which targeted for male and female smokers,to increase smoking cessation clinic and smoking cessation hotline advocacy,to raise knowledge of the smoking cessation and smoking cessation techniques in medical staff,to disseminate smoking and passive smoking hazards widely,while government departments should strengthen the enforcement of tobacco control laws,ensure that the people against the dangers of secondhand smoke.
出处 《中国社会医学杂志》 2016年第4期364-367,共4页 Chinese Journal of Social Medicine
关键词 现在吸烟率 戒烟 被动吸烟 Current smoking rate Smoking cessation Passive smoking
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