

Simulation on effects of fine powders on grinding behavior of coarse particles in E-type vertical spindle pulverizer
摘要 为了研究细粉在E型中速磨煤机中对粗颗粒研磨行为的影响,在粗颗粒煤样中掺入不同质量的黄铁矿粉,并使用加装功率测量装置的哈氏可磨仪模拟E型磨煤机,研究细粉的质量分数对煤粉产率、研磨能耗等的影响。结果表明:一级磨矿动力学不能准确描述所有研磨过程,具有一定的局限性;细粉质量分数小于50%时,能促进粗颗粒研磨,反之则阻碍破碎、增加能耗;经典的能量-粒度减小模型,可以用于描述哈氏可磨性指数测定仪中不同质量比的粗细颗粒混合物在研磨过程中的能耗特性。 A Hardgrove machine with a power recorder device was used to simulate effects of frees on grinding behavior of coarse particles in E-type VSP by mixing different percentage of pure pyrites in coarse coals. Through the grading analysis of broken product and the numerical calculation by Matlab of grinding energy, the differences in productivity and energy and other features with different fines content was revealed. The experimental results indicate that the first-order grinding kinetic is circumscribed. The appropriate content of fines can enhance the grindability of coarse particles, but excess fines obstrucs that and increase energy consumption. The classic energy-particle size reduction model can be used to describe the characteristics of energy with different percentage of fines in Hardgrove machine.
出处 《中国粉体技术》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期83-87,共5页 China Powder Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 编号:51274196 51404267 中国矿业大学大学生创新创业基金资助项目 编号:201521
关键词 细粉 E型磨 磨矿动力学 研磨能量 能耗模型 fine powder E-type vertical spindle pulverizer grinding kinetic grinding energy energy model
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