

Again the Origin of the Buddha Image——On Kanishka Casket
摘要 古印度佛像起源于何时、何地的问题一直是学界最具争议的问题。出土于犍陀罗的一件铭刻迦腻色迦国王的舍利盒容器,原本应作为佛像起源时期的重大考古遗品,却在学界颇具争议。本文依据铭文和文献记载,以及对舍利盒的整体考察,推定迦腻色迦舍利盒确为迦腻色迦一世所作,舍利盒佛像属犍陀罗初创时期之作。 The question of the origin of the buddha image has disputed so many years but still unsolved.The Kanishka casket which was excavated from Gandhara in Ancient India,was supposed to be as an important evident in this research,but result in more argue instead.In this article,I would like to discuss the casket again,based on the images and inscriptions on the casket,and conclude that the casket was made during the reign of Kanishka I period,and the buddha image on the casket was in its early age of Gandhara.
作者 赵玲
出处 《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期97-103,211-212,共7页 Journal of Nanjing Arts Institute:Fine Arts & Design
基金 2015年度国家社会科学基金艺术学青年项目<中印佛像海上丝路传播研究>(15CF140)阶段性成果
关键词 古印度佛像 犍陀罗 迦腻色迦 舍利盒 Ancient India Gandhara Buddha Kanishka casket
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