The method for managing the index directories in NTFS is thought to use the B+ tree data structure in many books and maga- zines,and the B- tree data structure is used in the less books in the inland. Aiming at the dispute,taking the Windows7 Operation System as platform, the file directories in the NTFS as the analytic object, the WinHex as analytic tool,the attribute of 90H, A0H and B0H is ana- lyzed in folder record for metafile $MFT in NTFS. The definition of B-tree is used for the judgment standard. The files in the NTFS in- dex directories are found, deleted,inserted, and to be observed the structure change of NTFS index directories. The results of experiment indicate that the NTFS index directories is accorded with basically the B-tree structure definition. The B-tree structure is used for the in- dex directories in NTFS ,but it' s not a standard B-tree structure.
Computer Technology and Development