
B-树在NTFS索引目录管理中的应用研究 被引量:1

Study on Application of Index Directories in NTFS by B-tree
摘要 目前国内一些有关NTFS文件系统的书籍或杂志认为NTFS对索引目录的管理是采用B+树结构,而只有少量书籍中认为NTFS对索引目录的管理是采用B-树结构。针对这种争议,以Windows7操作系统为平台,以NTFS文件系统和文件目录为研究分析对象,用WinHex磁盘编辑为分析工具,对NTFS文件系统中元文件$MFT文件夹记录的90H属性、A0H属性和B0H属性进行分析。以B-树的定义为衡量标准,对NTFS文件系统索引目录中的文件进行查找、删除和插入操作,来观察NTFS文件系统索引目录的结构变化。实验结果表明,NTFS索引目录基本符合B-树的定义。NTFS文件系统对索引目录的管理是采用B-树结构,但并非是标准的B-树结构。 The method for managing the index directories in NTFS is thought to use the B+ tree data structure in many books and maga- zines,and the B- tree data structure is used in the less books in the inland. Aiming at the dispute,taking the Windows7 Operation System as platform, the file directories in the NTFS as the analytic object, the WinHex as analytic tool,the attribute of 90H, A0H and B0H is ana- lyzed in folder record for metafile $MFT in NTFS. The definition of B-tree is used for the judgment standard. The files in the NTFS in- dex directories are found, deleted,inserted, and to be observed the structure change of NTFS index directories. The results of experiment indicate that the NTFS index directories is accorded with basically the B-tree structure definition. The B-tree structure is used for the in- dex directories in NTFS ,but it' s not a standard B-tree structure.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2016年第9期30-33,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 云南省科技创新强省计划项目(2014AB021) 云南省高校数字媒体重点实验室开放基金项目(2015KFKT002)
关键词 NTFS文件系统 B-树 索引节点 索引目录 NTFS B-tree index node index directories
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