

Employee Behavior Decision under Ambidextrous Innovations Paradox:A Multitask and Real Option Perspective
摘要 为了明确员工人力资本投资意愿对双元创新的影响机理,本研究基于多任务和实物期权的视角,提出员工可以根据不同创新的潜在收益和风险水平,采取与之相适应的人力资本投资策略,从而在员工个人层面实现两种创新方式的双元平衡,在组织整体层面提高组织创新成效。研究发现,当探索式创新面临巨大的不确定性,员工增加对利用式创新的人力资本投资,企业应该采取避免失败的策略;当利用式创新的前景不好,或者探索式创新潜力巨大,员工增加对探索式创新的人力资本投资,企业采取包容失败的策略;在团队创新模式中,如果员工人力资本投资互补性强,且团队创新氛围高,员工将增加对两种创新的人力资本投资。研究结果在理论揭示了员工双元创新的复杂认知过程,扩展和补充了组织双元理论的微观基础,在实践上为企业选拔、培训和管理双元型员工提供了科学指南。 Based on a "top-down" perspective, and taking a multitask approach and real option reasoning, this paper studied the impacts of employees' human capital investment level on the inno- vation outcome, the choices of the employee human capital investment under different kinds of environment, and the way enterprises manage their employees' human capital investment. The results show that, employees enhance the human capital investment when the exploration innovation is faced with great uncertainty, and the enterprise should strengthen management of the exploitation to avoid being defeated; when the exploitation innovation's prospect is not good, or the exploration innovation potential is huge, the staff invest more on the exploration innovation. The enterprise should encourage the staff's innovation behavior and adopts a strategy of tolerance of failure. In ad- dition, in team innovation patter, if the complementarity of the staff's human capital investment is high and the team atmosphere is good, the staff will increase the human capital investment.
作者 王朝晖
出处 《现代财经(天津财经大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期102-113,共12页 Modern Finance and Economics:Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
基金 湖南省社会科学基金项目(14YBA124)
关键词 人力资本 探索式创新 利用式创新 多任务方法 human capital exploration innovation exploitation innovation multitask approach
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